Brief Reviews of Recent Animated Movies

Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

I am leaning towards Four Tree Stars, but no grade is final until I see the next one. I honestly did not care for the romance scenes, but of course this really took off later. I am looking forward to part 3, even if it may be a while.


I am not a fan of movies like, which are art galleries. The fact that I liked a movie that is not my cup of tea, shows how well done it was, and I see why many people would love it. Since these reviews are purely personal it gets three tree stars.

With that animation I see why this cost 200 million dollars. It looks great, and the characters are very likeable. I just wish it had a more complex plot.

TMNT Mutant Mayhem

This was very funny and action packed. My only problem is it does not capture of the complexity of the Ninja Turtles, but it is very fun. Four Tree Stars.

Overall a very good batch of movies from 2023.

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